Sunday, November 9, 2008
water boarding at silverhawk
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Green Man
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ashley's Wedding Part I

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Busy weekend
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Heather's update
Hello Webb clan! I love reading this blog. It's great to hear from so many of you and see what you're up to. I wanted to thank Brittney for the previous post. It was so thoughtful and sweet to share that experience with all of us. I also wanted to thank you for sharing the blog adailyscoop with us. I have learned a lot from the author and found a new appreciation for my precious girls.
And now for the Sharp update.... Jared and I live in Rigby, Idaho. (It's about 20 minutes away from both my parents house in Sugar City and Grandpa and Grandma's house in Idaho Falls). Jared started his own construction business recently. He has been working for Blaser Construction but decided to go out on his own. He mostly does framing and finish work. He is amazing at what he does. I love to walk through the homes he's worked on and see his work. I can't wait for the day when we get to build our own home because Jared has some great ideas. He loves what he does. He is also the best daddy (and husband) in the world. He loves his girls like crazy! They get SO excited when he gets home from work. Savannah really likes to call him throughout the day to inform him of what's going on at home and to ask him questions like "what do lady bugs eat?" Sheridyn can't wait to go hunting with him. Last fall she would cry when he left to go hunting and she had to stay home. She honestly loves to sit and watch the hunting channel with him or read his hunting magazines. One of her favorite songs is "If you're happy and you know it....clap your hands" but she changed the words to "If you're happy and you know it...shoot a buck!" It's crazy. And Katelyn has this super special thing for her daddy. He can hold her and put her to sleep or calm her down like nobody else. I can try for an hour to get her to go to sleep then I'll hand her to daddy and she cuddles right up to him and falls asleep. He is so good with our kids.
I am very blessed to be a stay at home mom with them. Sheridyn is three (she turns four in December). She is so fun. She is very bright and has amazed everyone with her talking and thinking skills since she was very young. She loves animals and often pretends to be one. Savannah is two and is hilarious. She pulls the funniest faces all day and makes me laugh constantly. She loves to sing and play with her sisters. She is currently in the process of potty training and doing quite well. I'm looking forward to the day when I only have one child in diapers. Baby Katelyn is 5 months old. She is such a sweet baby. She's full of smiles and giggles. She loves to watch her hands move and eat her feet.
I love being a mom! My girls (and my husband) are my life. I love hearing the funny things they think about and watching them learn new things. The older two love having a baby sister. They want to hold, hug, and kiss her all day. It's so cute. We have a lot of fun together.
We are in the best ward. Jared teaches a Sunday School class for the kids and both Jared and I are in the scout program. Jared works with the 13-14 year olds and I have the 8-9 year olds. Jared loves it and the scouts adore him. It took me a little while to figure out the boys (I'm used to dealing with girls) but it's fun. There are a lot of young couples with young kids in our ward and we have a lot of fun with them. Sheridyn loves her Primary class. She's a little shy and sensitive so sometimes it scares her, but she usually does quite well. Savannah has loved the nursery since the first time she went. She starts asking to go long before Sacrament meeting is over. We also love the new temple in Rexburg- especially since mom and dad got called to serve there. I love being in that sacred place and seeing my parents working there. I find a great deal of peace and direction from the church. I don't know what I would do without it in my life. Having kids has increased my testimony immensely. I know my girls are gifts from my Father in Heaven. I don't think anything gives you such a glimpse into Heaven as holding a newborn in your arms.
Well, that's basically what I'm doing in my life right now. I am very happy and I love my life. I would love any of you to check out my blog for more information about our daily adventures and to see tons of pictures of my family. The address is
I hope everyone is well and happy! We should all figure out a time for a family reunion. It's been far too long since I've seen some of you. Keep in touch! Love ya, Heather (Webb) Sharp