Monday, June 30, 2008

Busy Busy Me~

Ok, so My fingers are very sore, I have been on a quiltin spree. I have made 3 quilts in 2 weeks. 2 of them were crib size quilts and I made both of htem the same day. We have friends who have twins and I made them each blanket....I think crib quilts are my favorite to do! So here they are.......

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our quilting tradition.

I love all the many traditions our family has, and the one I have really taken on is making jean quilts. I love it. Now with two kids it is hard to make the time, but I really try. I love knowing I made something with my own hands all by myself and it is made with love and the blisters that come with it! This is my latest that I finished today. I am so grateful for my Mom, Aunt Tawny and Grams for teaching me how to do this. I would love for Jersey to follow in our steps!

The Hulk

Treyson is obsessed with The Hulk, he wanes to watch the movie morning, noon and night. He walks around the house trying to rip his clothes off and when he gets in trouble he gets his Hulk face and tells us he IS the Hulk! JOe brought him a surprise yesterday and Trace could barely contain himself. He was practically shaking with excitement.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I keep checking to see if anyone is alive out there. Doesn't anyone have any news, and event, a wish, a complaint.... Why isn't anyone adding to this blog for our family? I have been on two trips and I hate to always be the one showing my life, so if you don't hurry and add something, you are going to see our latest adventure in ALASKA. The bears, the fish, caribou and The North Pole complete with Santa and the Reindeer.

Now get busy and add something to this page! All of you!!!!

Love, Tawnya