Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day in Arizona

On Thursday night Tyia was going to sleep in here. We got it ready for her, because the weather said possible skifffff of snow. We went to bed, and during the night, well, it was Christmas! We had 3 days of non stop snow. We ate hot homemade chicken and veggie soup, read, crocheted, beaded jewlery, carved, played games. And then the sun came out on Sunday afternoon, and by Monday the forest was dry, and we enjoyed two warm days.

By the 3rd day of snow the tent was flat on the ground. Oliver came up to see us, and he drug our tent out of the way, and put his up where there wasn't snow, and his tarp worked better. He was dry and warm, and it was right up his alley to do winter camping.

Kattie was in the valley with Nikki and her family until the sun came out and then she braved it and came to stay with us. By then it was sunny and dry. We enjoyed the best of both worlds!

While Kattie was there we had two Sasquatch sightings.

We also saw other wildlife.... eat your hearts out Idaho people. The horns were small but were covered with velvet. My heart missed a beat or two! We also saw deer, they were small, but they had four legs.

We love the rim country and will miss it terribly when we leave Arizona. I love the cool nights, the monsoons, clapping thunder and blinding lightening, the bright stars, and clean air. I have many memories over the years. As we drive on the 300 road we see many camp sites we have been in and left our footprints in the dirt. The forts the children built. The baths in the tub filled with heated rain water. The quiet, picking the wild berries and scratching our arms so bad. We made pies, muffins, pancakes, and jam with those berries. Many days we picked just to get enough for a few batches of jam. One of the best gifts I can give the kids is one of those jars with the jam. They appreciate it more, when it is their blood in it!

I don't know when or if all of our children will spend another weekend with us on the rim. But I am grateful that this one was a memorable one. These memories will last a long time.

So as you in Idaho are tired of the snow, thank you for sharing some with us in Arizona!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kadin's Baptism

Wow, what an amazing day we were blessed with. Kadin has been getting the missionary lessons for the last couple of months and he was baptized and confirmed last Saturday, May 17th at the Moore Stake Center.

The opening song was "I Am a Child of God" followed by the opening prayer given by Chandler Webb.

Elder Ramos (from Brazil) gave a talk on Baptism. Kadin was then baptized by Grandpa Webb, they had the water rather low in the baptismal font so Grandpa had to get him pretty low, Kadin forgot to plug his nose so he came up coughing and spurting. But Grandpa was great and got it done.

A talk on the Holy Ghost was given by Elder Ward (from Mesa, AZ) followed by a musical number "When I Am Baptized" by the Gammetts. The confirmation was also really special from Uncle Jeff. After the confirmation Grandma Colleen had some words of wisdom that made us all cry, again. She told Kadin how proud she was of him and how to make the right decisions every time before you ever leave home. She told him that Heavenly Father has held back these special spirits for this generation to fight and battle off all the evil for all of us. After Grandma's talk the Mackay Bishopric welcomed Kadin to the Ward. The closing song was "Teach me to Walk in the Light". And last, but not least was a beautiful closing prayer by Kelly who made us all cry again. What a spririt was in the room for this event.

Kadin had so much support from Grandma & Grandpa Wall, Grandma & Grandpa Webb, Melissa and Kevin, Ashley and Hagen. Stetson and Andra worked and didn't make it until the dinner at our house. Also at the baptism were Jeff, Lois, Chandler, Heather and Jared's Family, Chris and Hydee's Family, the missionaries, Keith McBride who is our home teacher, and other members of the Ward and Stake.

The day was our first really beautiful Spring day (in the 80's) so the dinner was full of fun, food and sun. Thanks to everyone for a really outstanding day.

Friday, May 16, 2008


To the Family of Loren and Colleen Webb:
I’ve asked Brittney to post this for me because I’m not sure I know how to do it correctly. Thanks Shortcake.
I wanted to take this opportunity to drop a note to my second most favorite family. Of course my favorite being the one Vicki and I have created. They are the world to me, each and everyone, and I’m grateful to Vicki for bringing them into my life
My recent stay in the hospital has given me a chance to reflect on many things. One being the relationship I have with you all. I must have done something right in my premortal existence to receive the blessing of having the Webb family in my life. From Loren and Colleen, down to the youngest and newest members of their extended family, I am grateful. The Love, care and compassion you have for each other is beyond compare. I am especially grateful for my association with Vicki. She has given me blessings beyond number.
I wanted to pass on a special thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayers during my last health problems. A special thanks go out to those of you who took time to call and drop an email to me. I do appreciate it. More over I want to thank those who took time in their busy lives to fast and pray for me. I can’t explain how it made me feel when I found out what was going on, on my behalf.
I pray that the Lord bestow his choicest of blessings upon you all, alone with his granting of all your hearts desires.
I close and leave you with this Old Irish Blessing, my love, and my thanks to you all

May love and laughter light your days,
And warm you heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
Wherever you may roam.
May Peace and Plenty bless your world,
With joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons,
Bring the best to you and yours.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sisters, daughters, mother in Lakeview

Vicki and Tawnya flew to Reno and rented a car to drive 4 hours to Lakeview, Or. One fun sight we came upon was a tradition of the graduation seniors. They make "shoe trees" . Yes, they throw their old shoes up into trees along the side of the road. When we arrived we were greeted by our dear parents and Liz and Rob. It was the beginning of a world wind of activity to develop over the next 4 days (at least for the girls).

The second day the girls watched Rob and Dad fill the back of Liz's car with our luggage, and scrapbook supplies. We were given full instructions not to buy a thing, or we wouldn't get it home, as we were loaded. (Men don't understand that women can always put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 lb. bag). We drove to Klamath and went shopping, shopping, shopping and then unpacked at the Shilo.

Saturday we scrap booked all day and had a blast. We had to stretch our legs occasionally and shopped a bit more. We ate wonderful food, and enjoyed each others company. At bedtime, we had a giggle feast on moms bed. It was a late night and we had the giggles, and you know how we are... bouncing, squeaking, and tears, and some wheezing.

We loaded up on Sunday morning, and yes, we made everything fit, and found we still had a few empty spots where something small could fit. So, we shopped a bit more, while Liz got her Fish Burger Fix @ McDonald's. (How I take for granted the little things I have close to my house. She has to drive 90 miles!)

We headed home, and only had a few stops. A yard sale where Liz found some nice shoes, Vicki found a darling hat, and Tawny went next door to the antique store and got an old suitcase. (That darn shopping was getting out of hand).

When we arrived home Rob and Dad had a smoked turkey, salad, and baked potatoes ready for a wonderful meal. We relaxed by sitting on the deck and watching deer go up the hill, and watching all the birds, including bluebirds of some kind, and listening to the quiet.

Vicki and Tawny got packed, (yep, Vicki had to borrow a bag to get her stuff home) and dad got their car loaded. It wasn't long until it was bedtime, so we said goodnight before the sun was set.

Monday morning at 6:30 mom and dad left for home, and Vicki and Tawny were on the road by 7:00 to go back to Reno and get on our flights.

We had a wonderful weekend! Thanks Wing's and dogs, it was a blast! Keep the deer and the geese well fed.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Allison's Babtism

Saturday April 26th was a special day. Alli was baptised by our close family friend Barry Lagan. She looked so beautiful in her whites and then in her confirmation dress. It was such an emotional day for everyone, we were all touched by the spirit on that day. Alli is such a sweet spirit and we love her so much. We are all so proud that she made the choice to be baptised and receive all the blessing that come along with it. Here are some cute pictures from that day!