Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sisters, daughters, mother in Lakeview

Vicki and Tawnya flew to Reno and rented a car to drive 4 hours to Lakeview, Or. One fun sight we came upon was a tradition of the graduation seniors. They make "shoe trees" . Yes, they throw their old shoes up into trees along the side of the road. When we arrived we were greeted by our dear parents and Liz and Rob. It was the beginning of a world wind of activity to develop over the next 4 days (at least for the girls).

The second day the girls watched Rob and Dad fill the back of Liz's car with our luggage, and scrapbook supplies. We were given full instructions not to buy a thing, or we wouldn't get it home, as we were loaded. (Men don't understand that women can always put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 lb. bag). We drove to Klamath and went shopping, shopping, shopping and then unpacked at the Shilo.

Saturday we scrap booked all day and had a blast. We had to stretch our legs occasionally and shopped a bit more. We ate wonderful food, and enjoyed each others company. At bedtime, we had a giggle feast on moms bed. It was a late night and we had the giggles, and you know how we are... bouncing, squeaking, and tears, and some wheezing.

We loaded up on Sunday morning, and yes, we made everything fit, and found we still had a few empty spots where something small could fit. So, we shopped a bit more, while Liz got her Fish Burger Fix @ McDonald's. (How I take for granted the little things I have close to my house. She has to drive 90 miles!)

We headed home, and only had a few stops. A yard sale where Liz found some nice shoes, Vicki found a darling hat, and Tawny went next door to the antique store and got an old suitcase. (That darn shopping was getting out of hand).

When we arrived home Rob and Dad had a smoked turkey, salad, and baked potatoes ready for a wonderful meal. We relaxed by sitting on the deck and watching deer go up the hill, and watching all the birds, including bluebirds of some kind, and listening to the quiet.

Vicki and Tawny got packed, (yep, Vicki had to borrow a bag to get her stuff home) and dad got their car loaded. It wasn't long until it was bedtime, so we said goodnight before the sun was set.

Monday morning at 6:30 mom and dad left for home, and Vicki and Tawny were on the road by 7:00 to go back to Reno and get on our flights.

We had a wonderful weekend! Thanks Wing's and dogs, it was a blast! Keep the deer and the geese well fed.


SeeMeDiet said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast. Oh how I wish I could have been a mouse in Gram's pocket to hear all your stories and giggles!!! I really think it's time to start inviting the next generation on your play trips. You guys have too much fun without me!!! LOL


Courtney Michele said...

GREAT PICTURES!!! Can I get a copy of them somehow? PLEASE!!
Family by chance, Friends by choice. It doesn't get any better than that:)! YOU GO GIRLS!
Love You Always,