Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Busy weekend

Ashley got married.... we are waiting for details and pictures... Devon, I am counting on you!

Jersey and Treyson were blessed by Uncle Varcel. In the circle he was joined by our son in law (my favorite one) Jeff Ritter and our Bishop Edward Maznio.

I participated in our neighborhood garage sale. I sold almost all of my junk! Truly, most of it should have gone in the garbage. I only ended up with a pickup load, bed high, to take to the DI. Vicki brought some things to sale and she did very well, too. And Vicki and I swapped some of our things. You know the saying, "One mans junk is another mans treasure", it is true! We had fun sitting out in the cooler weather and playing with Treyson and Jersey. Treyson sold "Ice cold water, for 1 buck". He sold 4 or 5 bottles!
Our girls were able to check out more sales in our neighborhood. Brittney and Tiff got some darling things to decorate their homes. And Tyia kept us all hydrated from Starbucks.

Enjoy some of the sights from the weekend in Arizona!

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